04 August 2003

Vaudeville Mantis, Finals & A Severed Finger

I DREAMED there was this Praying Mantis who was the size of one of those anti-theft steering wheel "clubs." This Mantis could sing and dance like a seasoned vaudevillian.... I came around a corner in this building and saw him and was flabbergasted. He was singing "My Way." All I could think about was getting to my camera so I could return and capture this once-in-a-lifetime event... When i returned, camera in hand, the Vaudeville Mantis had gone; witnesses pointed around the corner, and I found him there, smaller, not singing and not dancing...a regular mantis...i was so mad. No one would believe me, now. I would have no photographic evidence...I wanted to go tell LS about this...

I moved through the building toward wherever LS was (this large building/dorm theme is recurrent in my dreams... not sure what it means, so if any dream interpretors are out there, drop me a line and edify me).
On my jaunt down the corridor, I passed old classmates, all decked out in prom attire. They were saying "You missed the final." (This is also a recurring dream-theme: missing finals or not going to classes, or not being able to find my locker or classroom). I was upset, disturbed, but then said, "Fuck it. Who cares? I don't need school anymore, or that stupid piece of paper that says i graduated."

Continuing on my trek to find LS and tell her about the Vaudeville Mantis, I was worrying with one of my fingers, twisting at it, and pulled it off...severed it like there was nothing to hold it together. There was no blood, though. I tried to push it back together, as if it would magically reseal itself, as I wanted to get to LS.

A few minutes later, I noticed my finger had re-joined on its own...And that made me wonder if it was ever really severed; and if it wasn't, then that might mean that the Vaudeville Mantis wasn't real either; and that might mean i was just a little insane. So i wondered if maybe i shouldn't tell her about the mantis...


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