27 March 2004


I have this quirk that remains indefinable in psychological intelligentsia. I can be so picky about where something goes, and how it goes there, and get upset when it is misplaced. But then I'll throw empty file folders on the floor. Odd. Like a wannabe Obsessive Compulsive who never quite embraces the illness, but flirts with contracting it.

But since two of my big irritants is hunting for something i need, or moving something out of the way so i can use a space, I was so happy when i found a clever solution. I had lots of various items in the bathroom that had no "nest"--no place to be until i needed them. These bags are meant for shoes, but another of my quirks is finding another use for a common object. (That's why i consider Reader's Digest Practical Problem Solver one of the most useful and interesting books ever to hit the press).

Now i even use the bags for my socks and underwear in the bedroom.

I love my organizational hanging bags.


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