16 December 2008

What I'm Getting Myself for Xmas.

When I was in college during the early part of the 90's, (my second foray into academia) I had to do one of those presentations for speech in which your group invents a product and then does the sales pitch to the class. I ended up with a bunch of dead beats in my group who didn't want to work on it because they had a party to get to, beer to drink, etc. Most people who've been to college, know that drill....

So--I did most of the work. I came up with a product called "Life Light" which was a smokeless cigarette. (I use the idea in my novel Quintessence too, under the name VitaMist). The idea was that it would ignite through some chemical or electronic process, and what you would be inhaling was VAPOR, not smoke. Any smoker will tell you that one reason it's so hard to quit, is there's no substitute. When a drinker quits alcohol, her or she can still drink other beverages, even that fake beer stuff, and this at least helps. But there is no other thing smokers do that includes pulling smoke into the lungs and holding it and lighting it, etc. I knew this would address all those issues and provide society with a revolutionary alternative.

And there were different flavors and extra cartridges that could also include a delivery system for vitamins, minerals, herbs. In other words, it was a HEALTHY cigarette. And you could smoke it anywhere and blow it safely in a baby's face. I knew the idea could revolutionize the industry and send us into better health status as a society. (And of course, make me a target of tobacco industry assassins).

But finally, it would allow smokers to quit, without really quitting. I even wrote a jingle for it.

But of course, I didn't have the money to get a patent, nor the connections to find venture capital. Thus, a great idea withered on the vine...

But now...the vine has re-blossomed, and there are several products like my idea on the market. Though not imbued with vitamins, they are available without nicotine, and it's not smoke, along with the 300 toxins in a normal cigarette. And I love the fact that I will no longer worry about the stink on clothes and in my home, won't worry about finding a date because most of the types of women I'm interested in, don't smoke and won't date a smoker. The most recent (and best) smokeless/UN-cigarette I found is almost EXACTLY like the one I invented. Njoy

So, even though I am bitter that it didn't make ME rich, instead of THEM, it's still what I'm getting myself for Xmas. I just ordered the starter kit. I am so excited. I'll post back after i start using it.

Happy Holidays.


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