21 July 2009

Turn, Turn, Turn

{reposted from Facebook}

I just had a really unsettling experience. I'm trying right now to just calm my thumping heart, and take a breath.

One thing that is no secret about me, is that I don't have many secrets. I am pretty open. I
have to be, because I am a creative person who produces creative material. But I don't pretend that I'm so special that i don't have a day to day life with day to day struggles and victories that i wish to share with those in my life. Nor do I pretend that human nature is always simple. There's something else I make no secret of about myself. I will be the best friend in the world to someone, if they treat me right. But the second they turn on me, all bets are off. A longtime friend with whom I haven't had much regular contact in recent years, just got really hateful & posted a couple of confrontational and venomous statements to me. I tried to click her on my friends list to write to her and find out what the hell was going on, but discovered she had removed herself from my friends list, so I couldn't.

BACKSTORY: Earlier today, a friend called and asked my permission to give this person i mentioned above, my new phone number. I told her of course, but was confused because she was on my friend's list and could have just asked me. A bit later, i wrote to this longtime friend and asked her why she didn't just ask me for a phone number instead of asking another friend of mine. She was on my friends list. I would have been happy to provide it. But since we hadn't been in touch a lot lately, I didn't think to give it to her. I wasn't hateful, i just wondered why she went through the other friend, instead of simply asking when she was on Facebook posting about her shows. Her response?

"No, I have better things to do than sit on Facebook for hours looking up information. I went straight to a source so that would have it."

Better things to do than be on Facebook--I guess like THE REST OF US LOSERS. She effectively managed to trivialize the relationships we build by keeping in touch with each other each day. And some of us do want to be able to network according to other things we wish to share, like our music, our writing, our art....She had better things to do...Yet, has no problem using that friends list to announce her performances. I guess it's just business, then, and not that she really cares about all those people.

It seems the big transgression was that i posted an inscription in a book given to me from an ex gf from TWELVE YEARS ago. I did it because it was a blast from the past & gave me a chuckle. This angry person made that hateful comment, and then I discovered she made another, under the inscription picture i posted. See, she's still friends with that ex of mine, so that's the connection. beneath all the other posts on that page, she said:

"Facebook is a wonderful tool for staying in touch with friends but digging up personal business and making it public is crossing the line. It absolutely serves no purpose."

Um---digging up PERSONAL BUSINESS? An ex who wrote that she thought i was an alien sometimes but she loved me? TWELVE FREAKING YEARS AGO?? how personal can that really be? And it only had her first name on it...WTF?

I will say this. I am aware that there's a group of people from that period in my life who insist on judging me by who I was then, during some pretty tough times for me. I moved on, i tried to evolve, and I even tried to remain friends with them. But no. I was evil. That's just really sad.

But here's the part that hurts. I never did anything to this angry longtime friend. We had kept in touch on and off over the years. So why now, is her allegiance to my ex so profoundly strong that she felt the need to attack me for posting an innocuous inscription from ancient history???

Is there something I'm missing here? What is my crime, again?

I have written this because I want it all out there. All honest and no pretense. I always try to take the high road. I always try to do the right thing. Sometimes I screw up, but I always admit to it and try to figure it out and do better. I want to be clear where i stand on this.

So, to Becky Haynes, my longtime friend who decided to attack me unprovoked, i say this with the utmost sincerity:

Fuck off.



  1. I will paste the comments i got on Facebook below, as I am given permission to do so by those who made them.

  2. Brian Cunningham:
    Wow Jae! That Becky Haynes really did a 'Judas' on you BIG TIME! We all had things and people in our lives that meant something at the time, but are no longer relevant - we all just have to move on. I feel bad that you are so hurt, and no one deserves that! Your pain and anger are more than justified!

  3. Jae Baeli:
    Thank you Brian. I was beginning to second guess myself. But really, i feel justified. I appreciate your support.

  4. Jae Baeli:
    oh and here's something else--with all her rant about privacy and putting personal things on FB--she sure did post that very personal affront to ME so everyone could see it.
    Yesterday at 4:25am · Delete

    yeah, wait until she reads the BOOK i'm gonna write about her.

  5. Tammy Johnson:
    I tell you this.....many many people are jealous of those of us who are open and don't give a big a rat's ass what other people who sit in judgment think. Think about it....she is now "BIG BUDS" with your ex, who probably said some unkind things about you or possibly compared your superiority in some aspect, to one of her attributes which she is insecure about. Possibly that individual who openly flamed you, while dismissing facebook as the vile antithesis of her enchanted life, was reacting defensively. I have gotten tangled up in some b.s. on myspace with purported "friends" who were using my posts to pursue their own agenda in the kindergarten playground drama script that most lesbians seem to read from.

  6. Jae Baeli:
    Thank you, my friend. You are always this strong and steady support for me when I need it. Your insightful words mean more to me than you know. I am just trying to fend off those abandonment issues that seem to rise to the top when something like this happens. I admit I have that, and I don't like it, but it won't rule me. And I refuse to let someone else's pettiness ruin what is a very happy and hopeful time for me. Thanks. I love you.

  7. Jae Baeli
    oh and for the record, i do not think that my ex was extolling any of my virtues. I think she had convinced herself a long time ago i don't have any, LOL. What happened was probably more like that pack-mentality. The hard part is that all these people seem to be on the periphery of my life. It was hard to leave it completely behind because there were all these connections. You must imagine what it was like to be in two bands. So, everyone feels they still must choose sides in a relationship that ended 12 fucking years ago. Well let them demonize me all they want. I am simply not interested in that type of petty, puerile garbage.

  8. Tammy Johnson:
    It is pack mentality. We are not herd types girlfriend. We are wolf scouts, not pack animals. We are always at the forefront, reporting on that which is on the horizon (therefore nonexistent to most), following that distance vision. The other types are always loping along in the herd... looking down at the ground, trying not to step in their kindred's droppings, hoping to avoid losing status and thus so absorbed as to react with non-belief or negativity to the view from ahead. :-

  9. Jae Baeli:
    Very astute, as usual, sweetie. I appreciate you so much. You are one of those rare people who make me feel like there's some method in the madness. You're that port in the storm. OXOXO

  10. I defy any of those naysayers to say that this sort of love and support is a waste of time.

  11. Tammy Johnson:
    exactly girls. we all knew each other "when" and saw some spark of who we were to become that still attracts us to one another now. Geese fly solo but united , ya know? Love you!

  12. Candace Breaux Gulutz:
    ditto--Becky Haynes-- Fuck Off! Kel is a person who doesn't intentionally hurt anyone.

  13. Wow. thank you Candace! (I might cry).
    I have all these strong women sticking up for me! I feel so much better about all this. Maybe i can even let it go.

  14. Tanya Gotcher:
    I don't really know what has happened but it seems all too familiar to me anyway. These are the kind of things that make me despise most humans, especially some females who seem to have a knack for all things petty and evil, motivated most often by jealousy. I read a quote a couple of days ago that said "solitude is independence". For me, solitude is self-defense. Ironically, my effort to keep to myself and mind my own business, and be independent, just seems to aggravate a lot of those in the herd. And so it seems for you also and for every other person who "dares" to be themselves. In the end, Jae, f**K them.

  15. I love you Tan. I am so glad our paths have crossed again, after so many years. You knew me when i was even less than i was those 12 years ago. And yet, you seem to find some value in me as your friend and for that I am grateful.

  16. I defy any of those naysayers to say that this sort of love and support is a waste of time.

  17. Tammy Johnson:
    exactly girls. we all knew each other "when" and saw some spark of who we were to become that still attracts us to one another now. Geese fly solo but united , ya know? Love you!

  18. Amanda Gulledge:
    Oh my... she needs THERAPY! (she can have my next appointment). I'm an outsider here, but just reading what she wrote was disturbing. She made my skin crawl. What a hypocrite to post that comment instead of making it a personal email. yuck. *hug Jae. She made herself look really bad there. I would have posted that image in a heartbeat.

  19. Amanda--thank you so much for your input. You're not an outsider at all. especially not now. I appreciate your support too--I think you and I are going to have a great friendship.

  20. Wendy Cunningham:
    Who gives a rat's ass about that Haynes chick! ...And WHY was she checking out your posts?? Hmmmm! You Da Bomb Diggity, Jai!!! Tell her to Get Bent!! HAHAHAHA She's just JEALOUS of ALL of us!! Also, even though she deleted you as a "friend." I have no doubt she is still checking these posts out one way or another. Write On, Sistahs!!

  21. Shelia Noland:
    Honestly, Becky needs to pull that sharp stick out of her ass. It wasn't like your post was slandering your ex...and as far as FaceBook, I wouldn't have any contact with any of my friends since I am a full time caregiver to my Dad, and am limited in the time I can get away. Don't worry seester, Becky's not worth if if she's gonna pull this kinda crap. I remember all the history too... and you weren't the evil one...

  22. Wendy--lol. you rock. thanks for your support.
    And She, i appreciate your sentiments too. You've got some insight some others may not have since you were around during that time. I'm glad you see it that way. Means a lot to me. Love you seester!

    I feel so blessed right now. Here, i thought i was all alone in the world. Thank you all of you SO MUCH.

  23. Tina Stille:
    Applauding you Jae!!! Way to speak up!! Right on!!

  24. Brian Cunningham:
    We're all supporting you Jae!!

  25. Thanks Tina. and Brian, again. this was a difficult little episode but it certainly showed me who my friends are!!!

  26. Rebecca Griego:
    I feel compelled to add a comment because I have also had way too many unsettling experiences with those who are just way way way too easy to offend. It's hard to let go of people being upset when I know that I truly did nothing wrong. You are very sweet Jae. Just wanted to send a little more support your way.

  27. Rebecca, I appreciate your support. I remember you said you live at Parc Belmar too? We should go grab lunch sometime. Feel free to come say Hello when i get there on the 1st--should be midday...i promise you won't have to unload the UHaul. I have hired help. :>)
