17 May 2011


The tendency for some humans to be weak-minded disturbs me sometimes. So often, it is easier to embrace the easy answer of "I don't know" over the more difficult response, "I don't know, but I'll try to find out."

Example: we've often heard the alleged conundrum "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" as if this is some mind-bender of a riddle. It's not as inexplicable as all that. To wit: from a scientific perspective, at one time, there were no chickens, and chickens appeared in the evolutionary chain because two non-chickens mated, created a zygote (first cell) of an offspring, and that cell divided, to create more cells that also divided repeatedly, with a mutation or two along the way that created the first chicken-PROPER. So the egg had to come first, before the First Chicken could exist. (the First Chicken: sounds like the president of the civilization founded on the planet of Hen). 

I guess what I'm saying is, if you're not intrigued, challenged and motivated by questions without answers (or with unsatisfactory ones) then you are an Intellectual chicken. I am loath to ever fall into that category, and I wish more people felt the same. 

I don't know what the chickens think about all this. I'm not bi-lingual.


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