There's always a nut out there who thinks the whole world is out to get them. But as the saying goes, it's not paranoia if they really are after you.
In my recent quest to overhaul my mental, physical, spiritual, emotional health, i have done tons of research, and have come to several disquieting solutions that sound rather paranoid when i say them aloud to anyone else. But i truly believe in these conclusions i have drawn, and for whatever it's worth, i mention them here, in case they strike a cord with someone else who is also searching for a higher quality of life, and a more realistic and thoughtful perspective on what is and isn't true about society and our place in it as evolving beings. These are some conclusions i have come to:
CONCLUSION: The government, i.e., the FDA, are strange and dangerous bedfellows with the pharmaceutical industry, and mainstream medical doctors. It is intuitively counter-productive for an M.D. to heal you, otherwise, his/her job would be in jeopardy. Likewise, the drug industry makes its living off doctors who prescribe their medications. The Food industry needs to keep us eating, so they can maintain their profit margin, so it is in their best interest to put additives in the food that keep us addicted.
CONCLUSION: The Powers-That-Be continue to block the import, development , use and availability of natural substances-- herbs, nutrients--even though these things have been used for thousands of years and have an undeniably impressive track record for allowing our bodies to heal themselves. To wit:: how often does a doctor treat a cause, rather than a symptom? How many billions of dollars have we spent on research to cure disease, and how many of them have we actually cured? Aside from maybe polio, um...can't think of a single one. An interesting side note to that is the mainstream organization that has had the most success with healing cancer patients, has been the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, which incorporates many alternative and natural healing methods along with common treatments....mmmm.
CONCLUSION: Everyone has noticed the disclaimers on drug commercials...they tout the miraculous efficacy of this drug, and then proceed to list the 7 thousand things it can do to you... the rashes, dizziness, insomnia, liver damage, birth defects, and don't forget ANAL LEAKAGE. These "medicines" create more problems than they alleviate. What kind of sense does that make? And why are they advertising to US? There's this crisis with so many Americans who are unable to afford medications, but had they not been brainwashed from square one, perhaps they wouldn't need those medications in the first place. If we, as a society had taken the reins of our own healthcare, we would not be dependent on the government, or corporate interests to ensure our well-being. It's not too late to change all that, but it would mean taking charge and making some decisions. If we simply stop supporting all that subterfuge and misinformation, we'd have a chance. Success is the best revenge.
CONCLUSION: Artificial sweeteners...that's a category unto itself. All the artificial sweeteners were developed ostensibly to help us lose weight, and yet, they are simply another set of toxins that actually make our bodies GAIN weight. In the immortal words of Alanis Morissette, "Isn't it ironic. Don't cha think?" Did you know that aspartame was once listed as a biological weapon by our own government? So is this some sort of slow-moving genocide, now that they endorse it? According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, author of The Total Health Program, "Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death as recently disclosed in a February 1994 Department of Health and Human Services report.(1) A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame:(2) Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.
Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: Aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison." click here for the full article by Dr. Mercola
This, when a perfectly wonderful natural sweetener called Stevia, a plant indigenous to Paraguay, solves all those problems. This particular plant has been beaten away from the U.S. borders for years, and has only recently been allowed as a supplement, not a food. It's been used for 17 years in Japan alone, with no ill effects. It's 300 times sweeter than sugar in its natural state, helps prevent tooth decay, lowers blood pressure, regulates blood sugar, is safe for diabetics and hypoglycemics, has been shown to be an antibacterial and antiviral agent, as well as an effective skin medicine, and has no calories or carbohydrates. It can be easily grown here (even in a container in your sunniest room--which i am going to start doing when the seasons change).
CONCLUSION: A man from an oil family, who is in the highest position of power, is not likely to make decisions based on the greater good of the people, but rather the greater good of his pocketbook, if this family income resource is threatened.
CONCLUSION: A man who has failed at every business venture he's ever undertaken, could not possibly have acquired the highest office in the land without the benefit of dishonesty, deck-stacking, cheating, and a good-ole-boy network to manipulate the polling machines...(did you know that his FRIENDS own most of those machines?) And for the first time in electoral history, the exit polls simply didn't match the actual tallies. Now, why would someone lie about who they voted for? Maybe they would if they had been held at gunpoint by republican terrorists....but there was no mention of this in the often slanted and incorrect news media....This cheating is the only explanation... Otherwise, the majority of those who went to the polls are total idiots, and i still hold out some hope that this statistic is yet to be a reality. When people complain that their vote doesn't count, they were wrong. It's really that it doesn't GET COUNTED.
CONCLUSION: A man who bases an entire war on the presence of WMD's, and is proven wrong, should learn his lesson and cut his losses. Instead, he maintains the lie, and then is incapable of providing help to his own at home when something like, say, a DEVASTATING HURRICANE wipes out several major cities and renders hundreds homeless or DEAD. Could the lack of government response be because ALL OUR MILITARY WAS FIGHTING FOR ANOTHER COUNTRY'S people? How humiliating, yet at the same time endearing, touching and encouraging, that civilians, celebrities, and other are the ones who provided help to coastal hurricane victims. My best friend, her partner and their daughter were among the ones affected; they lived in Gulfport. They live here, now, and are lucky they had this place to come to, but many others were not so lucky, and it didn't have to be as bad as it was. I mean, it's not like this was an unnoticed ASTEROID that plummeted to the Gulf Coast. There was plenty of warning (even though much of it was under-reported by the media). All this HOMELAND SECURITY stuff is just a big joke. Does the Administration-From-Hell not realize that a deadly hurricane falls under the purview of Homeland Security? (I'm glad i moved here from Gulfport myself a few years ago. If i had been caught in Katrina, i would likely be dead by now, since i depend on thyroid medication. If i had been there, and lost those meds, i would have fallen into a coma. Might be a moot point, though, because i would have evacuated).
CONCLUSION: Most ironic song, considering recent events: "I'm Walking on Sunshine" by KATRINA AND THE WAVES
CONCLUSION: Most people who have children possess abhorrent, retarded, ineffective, non-existent and damaging Parenting Skills. It's time to stop blaming it on the "bad seed theory" and roll up sleeves and start taking parenting as what it is::the most important job in the world.
CONCLUSION: If someone on an Online personals/dating site doesn't have, or won't send you a picture, it's because they are either obese, ugly, not who they say they are, or all three.
CONCLUSION: our entertainment media, most notably the movie industry, has been reduced to the repetition of several themes that are repeated ad nauseum and only serve to engender feelings of fear, anger, disgust, and a front row seat to the underbelly of humanity. Try to find a movie that is not about the following:
...serial killers...murder in general...the mafia...violence in general...drug addiction...alcoholism...violence against children....or the inane behavior of puerile adults who never grew up.
The news media is also guilty of this. I can't believe that there's nothing good to say on a newscast. Wonderful things happen all he time. Good people do good things, and there is still laughter and hope out there. Why don't we see it? The Media is supposed to be a reflection of who we are as a society. If this is true, then the mirror is filthy and it needs to be taken down and replaced with a new mirror.
Not only that, but it seems that every time i try to find alternatives on "other" channels, i am met with an equally limited choice of programs. I remember a time when i could always find something enlightening, entertaining, interesting, on TLC, the Discovery Channel, The History Channel. Now, all i have to choose from is Various depictions of the horrors of the Holocaust, weapons of mass destruction, Real Sex, American Chopper, Monster House, Monster Garage, contests that involve the debasing of humans by the imbibing of insects, feces, raw carcasses; or the communion with snakes, spiders, dung beetles, scorpions, etc. Must i be reduced to watching the Food Network or Home Shopping to get away from it? That can make you fat and broke. The only relief i get is Comedy Central and HBO Comedy, who offer Jon Stewart's Daily Show, and Stand-up Comedy, and Bill Maher.
Be all that as it may, i don't live as a jaded person, rather i live as an informed, self-actualized and proactive person. I may not attend rallies, or lead grassroots attacks on the Establishment, but in my corner of the world, i incite change. I've begun the process of growing my own food, using only natural cleaners, researching and creating Neuro-linguistic Programming CD's that allow my own mind to dictate my health and well-being, and finding natural alternatives for almost every area of my life that once depended on the mindless lemming-esque Red Rover game that ends with me falling over the precipice.
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