27 November 2007

String Theory Romance

I believe there is someone out there for everyone. More pointedly--someone out there for everyone at each stage in their life. I am not the same as I was 5 years ago, or even one year ago. I am constantly evolving. Constant evolution breeds chain reactions that reach our environment, other people, situations...

Therefore, things shift. Lives re-align.

I also believe that wishes and intentions are powerful. Thoughts are things. I really believe that. So if I keep focusing on what I want, I believe it will happen when and how it's supposed to. In the meantime, I will try to maintain other quality relationships, continue to be productive and be the best person I can be from day to day.

I half suspect an irony to take place--the woman I intend to meet will probably have no affiliation with the 30 some-odd ads I have up on personal sites. I will probably meet her through some unforeseen synchronicity that can only manifest in the most unexpected ways. In line at a grocery store, or through a friend of a friend, or at a party, or she'll rear-end me at an stop sign. (Wouldn't THAT be a great story?)

In String Theory, it's possible to have many universes right next to each other. These parallel universes can hold all the permutations of my existence, alternate paths not taken here, but maybe taken there.. I find that concept fascinating and even comforting in an odd way. Whatever I may feel is missing in the Universe this "me" is in, those voids are filled in the parallel universe the other "me" is in. What if the love I seek is a few feet away, but I can't see it? What if by the sheer force of wishing, I can pull that over into this universe? What if all parallel universes can be shared through the power of thought and wishes?

I am currently working on a novella entitled "Quintessence" which deals with this subject.


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