10 April 2008

The Unbearable Lightness of Being Unbearable

No matter how many times it happens, i am still chagrined by the onslaught of those who don't seem to understand what mature behavior is. Even something as simple as being sensitive to the feelings of others, or having some kind of grip on self-awareness, seems to be an unreachable goal to so many people. For instance, if someone tells you how something you're doing is making them feel, it's not the mark of maturity to tell them their feelings are silly and dismiss them. And if you've had a grand total of one relationship in your entire adult life, you are not considered an authority on how to behave in one. And when someone is trying to help you, it's also not a good idea to scream at them to mind their own business and read them the riot act for ten solid minutes while not letting them get a word in edge-wise; and then add insult to injury when you discover you were completely over-reacting, and making assumptions that simply weren't true, foisting your own unresolved issues on them as scapegoat, but not offer any kind of apology once this comes to light.

Yet there are still those out there who seem oblivious to this truth. It's a shame we have to invest in them to any degree before discovering the depth of their...shallowness.


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