23 June 2011

Ignorance Revealed: Miss USA contestants on Evolution

The mindless regurgitation of these contestants sickens me. Most of these are stunning examples of the ignorance that still prevails in this country. Evolution is NOT a theory, in the colloquial sense. Scientific "theory" is not the same as the common definition of "theory." That's why i wish the scientific community would permanently change their references to it in some way, to clear up the misunderstanding. Since colloquial understanding usually RULES among the average person, we must begin to use terminology that leaves no room for erroneous interpretation. It is my contention that you are not entitled to respect or admiration if your opinions are based on ideas you were fed, which have no basis in fact. We should permanently append the word "unfounded" to the word "opinion" in this case. And any contest that bestows the title "Miss USA" should not allow ignorance to represent our country. "I was never taught evolution in school" --that's the problem. Their opinions against it, are based on NOT KNOWING the facts. It's easy to just swallow. Perhaps more people should refuse to stand in front of the hose.



  1. "should probably know the whole story..."
    "Facts, not theories should be taught"
    "I think the gov't should take care of it!"
    "Have something extra for kids to think about."
    "Oh, somebody's mad now."
    "I think bits and pieces of evolution should be taught!"
    OH my!

    I like Lauren from Vermont. She seemed the most knowledgeable. I hate the way they put biblical matters and evolution on the same playing field. Where are the facts backing up any of the mythology that makes up religion?
    Nice post! thanks.

  2. Agreed. Hey, considering your response, you would probably enjoy one of my other blogs too... http://supernaturalhypocrisy.blogspot.com/
    Thanks for your comment. I always enjoy hearing from my readers in any way shape or form. Thanks!
