14 February 2009

Lights! Camera! Grief.

Is it just me? Am I the only one who is chagrined by the way a tragedy is followed immediately by family members who go on Larry King and talk about how grief-stricken they are that they just lost a loved one?

This Buffalo Plane crash of Thursday/Friday. I find it completely offensive that those people are already being interviewed on news shows like Larry King, merely a day after it happened... Remember those disparaging comments about the "ambulance chasers" of yesteryear? This is worse. This is about people who ostensibly loved another person and lost that person tragically, who then, with great swiftness, appear on a national news or other program to talk about that deceased individual, and collect a fat payment on their way out. Can you say "Capitalizing on the death of a loved one?" I don't know about you, but If I had just lost someone I loved, the last thing I would do, or even be ABLE to do, is talk about it to a bunch of faceless strangers on television, and then get paid.

What is with all this death-whoring?

Has love and loss now been completely sold out to media and money?


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