15 February 2009

Brain Sex

For the first time in a long time, I feel that there might just be better things on the horizon for me.

I had a phenomenal 6+ HOUR conversation last night on the phone, and it made me so happy to have such great rapport with someone. Communication is vital to me, and last night was a validation of why it's such an important part of my life. I have always enjoyed what i call "brain sex"--that is, engaging someone intellectually in a way that is so satisfying and inspiring, that you feel some chemical in your brain has been re-routed to the pleasure center. The perfect combination for me is conversation that includes thoughtful exchange, openness, honesty and frequent laughter. All that was present in this conversation. I went to sleep thinking about it, and I woke up thinking about it. I could not wait to speak to her again, and I am anxious to meet her in person and spend still more time getting to know her on that level. I feel..........lucky. This is not a feeling I've had with much frequency in years...i can only hope this is a portent of things to come.


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