25 February 2009

Troubling Mammaries

As I've mentioned, I placed a personal ad on Craig's List, since that site gets so much traffic, in the hopes of meeting local women for dates and friendship. I made my personality and intentions clear in this ad, and I still get offers that floor me.

The latest was from a woman who obviously did not understand what type of person I am. Her mail to me:

Hi, my name is Twila. I am 51 years old. shaved, lez, D&D free, VERY oral and VERY interested in your ad. I love to shop, dine out, watch chick flix, sleep-in on weekends, take long trips to nowhere, cuddle, eat ice-cream with a fork, and sex. Lots of sex. Mmmmmm....... I love toys. Lots of toys. You seem like a wild creature. I like that. I live alone (condo) in B.V., have a car and can host. I hope my pic isn't too bold for you. I'm just trying to pique your interest. So, if you like what you have read and what you see, get back to me with your "naughty" pics. I have more. Hoping to hear from you, Twila

The photograph to which she refers...cropped and censored so as not to offend my more delicate readers. (Wait. Do i HAVE any delicate readers? I'm not sure about that) Okay, then cropped and censored for the purpose of taste. Which is a quality that "TWILA" apparently isn't familiar with.

This picture wasn't "bold" it was slutty. Is nothing sacred anymore? What makes some women think that showing me their tits is a way to gain my respect? If a woman doesn't have more pride in her intellect, or ethics or being a registered voter, or even her contributions to the Humane Society, I'm simply not interested. For one thing, if she'll send this to me, a stranger on the Internet, what else must she think is okay? I'm impressed by confidence, class, intelligence and a sense of humor. Not the size and perfection of your mammary glands. I'm aware that females normally have two breasts. I have them too. These are not, however, selling points for getting a date with me.



  1. hardy har har.
    too bad that's not what I'm looking for. I'd be golden.
