19 March 2008

Celibacy is not hereditary....

...and i have every right to hate it.

Loathe it. What about you?
There are those who believe that it is somehow more evolved to deny our need for sexual intimacy. Usually, this stance is held by those who can't get laid.
Thus, it's a coping mechanism.

I don't feel more spiritual when i am celibate. I just feel frustrated. I believe that the need for intimacy is not only hard-wired biology, but part of the natural human condition; and it needs to stop being relegated to the lockboxes created by religious zealotry. The Bible is the major culprit for this, along with those who would translate it incorrectly, even when the Bible is making any sense.

Humans are- by design--social creatures, and sexual intimacy is the most profound representation of that. I believe that making love is spiritual. It's a trustplace, a surrender, a joining of essence....Under what other conditions can you become that merged with another soul?

SO celibacy. I'm against it.
Unless you have some disorder that precludes healthy sexual activity. Like, say, being a Catholic Priest.


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