Over the last couple of weeks I have been in JavaScript Hell. While i have full faith and confidence that Blogger will become the preeminent blogging site on the web, having been bought by Google, it is still fraught with some glitches that need attention. But everything that Google touches turns to gold, and years ago when Google began as an upstart search engine, I saw the possibilities, i just didn't have the funds to invest in the stock. But I wanted to. And while I don't really kick myself, I sort of kick the universe, for that little bit of misfortune. I'd be a rich freaker right now. So I am left with my odd obsession with collecting Google Logos...
Anyway, back to Dante's 13th Ring of Hell known as JavaScript. I wanted to add random quotes to my blogs, and I must have looked at and tried some 30 different scripts, all of which failed miserably for some indefinable reason. And when I wrote to the authors or hosts of those scripts, I was met with blinding silence.
This led me to researching the specifics of JavaScript coding, and that alone, was like learning a foreign language. I am Nerdy by Necessity. It's not my natural state of being, but I will become obsessed with anything that might solve a problem i need solved. It's why I have built or rebuilt almost every computer I've owned. I call them my Frankenstein models. I take from everywhere and try to make things function. It's all just a means to an end for me, so that I can get my various creative endeavors out there into the societal and Internet ether. After staggering disappointments, I finally did find a random text script that worked, and lo and behold, the author of that script actually answered my inquiry promptly and solved the problem and I have since been impressed by his career. In his own words, David, of Spider Webmaster Tools, said,
Dear Jae,What an accomplished, stand-up guy. And I was sure to tell him so. That's why you'll see his links on my site. In another post, I will cover some of the things I've learned in this script-search and tweak process so that any of the bloggers out there who are having the same vexation I was, with finding a working Random Text JavaScript, will enjoy the satisfying solution I did.
I developed SpiderWebmasterTools many, many years ago and I have since moved on to bigger and better Internet arenas. Web developing and Internet Marketing (SEO/SEM) has become my forte.
I still dabble in Java Script, but I've moved on to mastering PHP and MySQL. Two sites that I showcase this in is Form Genics and CSS-Generator where I mix JS and PHP together.
Some of my work has been included in such major projects such as Mambo and Joomla. Another one of my sites, Free-Color-Picker has scripts that I developed and they have been downloaded over 50,000 times.
I also run a web hosting company http://www.ANetworkCompany.net and a very popular manual web directory service, PageRankSubmit.
On top of all this, I do I.T. consulting - setting up corporate servers, Intranet web servers, MX (email) servers and filtering.
So, I am quite busy at times, to say the least. But, I will always try to help those in need as my time will allow.
You may drop me a question anytime...
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