Over the last couple of weeks I have been in JavaScript Hell. While i have full faith and confidence

Anyway, back to Dante's 13th Ring of Hell known as JavaScript. I wanted to add random quotes to my blogs, and I must have looked at and tried some 30

This led me to researching the specifics of JavaScript coding, and that alone, was like learning a foreign language. I am Nerdy by Necessity. It's not my natural state of being, but I will become obsessed with anything that might solve a problem i need solved. It's why I have built or rebuilt almost every computer I've owned. I call them my Frankenstein models. I take from everywhere and try to make things function. It's all just a means to an end for me, so that I can get my various creative endeavors out there into the societal and Internet ether. After staggering disappointments, I finally did find a random text script that worked, and lo and behold, the author of that script actually answered my inquiry promptly and solved the problem and I have since been impressed by his career. In his own words, David, of Spider Webmaster Tools, said,
Dear Jae,What an accomplished, stand-up guy. And I was sure to tell him so. That's why you'll see his links on my site. In another post, I will cover some of the things I've learned in this script-search and tweak process so that any of the bloggers out there who are having the same vexation I was, with finding a working Random Text JavaScript, will enjoy the satisfying solution I did.
I developed SpiderWebmasterTools many, many years ago and I have since moved on to bigger and better Internet arenas. Web developing and Internet Marketing (SEO/SEM) has become my forte.
I still dabble in Java Script, but I've moved on to mastering PHP and MySQL. Two sites that I showcase this in is Form Genics and CSS-Generator where I mix JS and PHP together.
Some of my work has been included in such major projects such as Mambo and Joomla. Another one of my sites, Free-Color-Picker has scripts that I developed and they have been downloaded over 50,000 times.
I also run a web hosting company http://www.ANetworkCompany.net and a very popular manual web directory service, PageRankSubmit.
On top of all this, I do I.T. consulting - setting up corporate servers, Intranet web servers, MX (email) servers and filtering.
So, I am quite busy at times, to say the least. But, I will always try to help those in need as my time will allow.
You may drop me a question anytime...

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