06 December 2007

Dubya Dubya Dubya Dot Con

There was this protest sign i saw that read: "Would someone please give Bush a Blowjob so We Can Impeach him?" I can think of no more succinct way of illustrating the absurdity of the situation.

Tell me again, why was Clinton impeached for trying to cover up details in his sexual Indiscretions, while Dubya remains in office following a long list of truly High Crimes? The first of which was literally RIGGING an election. Isn't it great when your friends own the voting machines? Isn't it great when the general public don't think much of the fact that NONE of the exit polls matched the results? or that more Republicans voted in districts than there were registered Republicans? or that thousands didn't get their vote counted, or that thousands were wrongfully prevented from voting by falsifying voting records? (there is documented proof of this one). Isn't it also just ducky when those who make the final decision about who becomes president, just happen to be the Hopeful Candidate's BROTHER and friend/Associate? The list goes on, but let's skip ahead....

...to 911. Never mind that this attack was no surprise. And we knew who was responsible. Bin Laden. But somehow we went from Bad Bin Laden to Saddam Subterfuge. "Oh, we know this guy did it, but we don't want to go after him for our own reasons, so let's just pick someone else and then fashion a blame shroud we can put around him. The American People won't know any better. They're stupid."

This is the same Bin Laden family that served as underwriters for Bush's failed businesses before he was elected to any office. So what was the real reason for the invasion of Iraq? Oh I don't know, could it be, um. . .OIL???

Don't forget that when the invasion was announced, it was christened, "Operation Iraqi Liberation." What's that stand for, Class? Right. O.I.L. That little Moniker was summarily changed to Operation Iraqi Freedom when someone realized that there were some American people who were smart enough to think their way out of a wet paper bag. Remember the speech Bush gave, warning the Iraqi people: "Don't burn any oil wells"? Well, we now know there were no WMD's, and therefore the reason for the invasion is moot. Yet, we're still there somehow, and Dubya has the blood of thousands on his greedy little hands. Meanwhile, his story is different. The reason we are there changes as often as Dubya changes his socks, because it's not about being there for the right reason, it's about OIL. Many of those soldiers died because they didn't have the gear they needed to protect them, and the Bush Administration was not forthcoming. The soldier's families often paid for something as simple as armored vests. Meanwhile, Dubya lines the pockets of friends and relatives who are profiting from the war itself.

And when the folks on the Gulf Coast were suffering from the worst natural disaster in memory, Bush made an obligatory appearance while FEMA continued to be AWOL, and then headed over to Pakistan, who'd suffered a bit of an earthquake, and summarily gave them a billion dollars in assistance. You remember Pakistan. . . the Prime Suspect in harboring Bin Laden. Can you say "Dubya Dubya Dubya Dot Con?"

Now, I see that Dubya is headed for Iran and probably Korea. It has the potential for being the end of life as we know it. . .I can envision germ and biological and chemical warfare, perpetrated on our own soil. At the very least, we will be ensconced in still another unfounded, unnecessary and unending war because Dubya now thinks of himself as the World Police, and he wants to continue to posture and throw his weight around. Why shouldn't he? He's got the People fooled well enough to have avoided impeachment or rumors of impeachment. How did we allow our government to become this corrupt? How did the Democratic Party manage to lose its collective testicles?

Make no mistake. The Axis of Evil is Washington, Texas and Florida. The very definition of WAR CRIMES is embodied in the Oval Office (or Awful Office, as I now want to call it). Pretty soon, some other country will have to FREE US. They will have to invade our cities, kick in our doors, put the muzzle of an M-16 to our heads, burn our homes, rape our children and wives, torture us, and plunder our lives. But it will be for our own good. We will need their help to free us from this evil dictator, this minion of the Devil, this Pretender to the Throne who enslaves and punishes his own people. Oh, I hope it's someone nice, like Switzerland.

Good Vs. Evil: Bush's Theology of War
Strategy for Security or Blueprint for Empire

Shocking and Awful: Resistance at Home
Bush Commission: Session II Introduction - Jan 20-22, 2006
Uncovered: The War on Iraq
Netflix carries lots of great documentaries about this subject too, like:
Weapons of Mass Deception
Bush's Brain
Uncovered: the War on Iraq
Bush Family Fortunes (A particularly informative documentary).
The Cost of War
One-Third of Iraq War Spending Goes to Bush's Campaign Donors


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