08 December 2007

Is that What Really Happened?

...and then there are times when our view of a situation is tainted by erroneous beliefs. It only takes one morsel of misunderstanding, one particle of perpetuation, and all proverbial hell breaks loose. And this Hell might be just the catalyst for a solution. Maybe even the ONLY catalyst that would serve the purpose. As thinking humans, we learn from our experience. We understand through associations. If we have a repeated experience, we soon believe that it is in fact the SAME experience. It is a reflection of the old adage, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck...it's a duck." But the irony is....sometimes it's a chicken. Both may be fowl/foul...(sorry) but they are not exactly the same. Perhaps these similar/dissimilar experiences serve to keep us open to new possibilities--new directions in our thinking, our beliefs, hope, when hopelessness so effortlessly seeps into us...so that we don't become jaded, even though all around us appears to be the same old song and dance. The song is always the same song. But it's not. The dance is always the same dance. But it's not. Nothing is ever as it seems, yet everything is just what you think it is. This is the eternal conundrum of life on this plane of existence. There is meaning in it, even amid frustration. In fact, the more frustrating it is, the more meaningful it usually turns out to be. And still, there is order in the chaos, method to the madness, peace amid the battle.


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