08 February 2008

A Jarring Thought

I was complaining to my best friend Justice about my lackluster sex life, and she said, "Yeah, the most action your body gets right now is shaving."

I've engaged in sexual activity only once in 9 months...and I'm hardly ever satisfied, so basically, I'd have an equal amount of angst if I was just a disembodied head, floating in a jar.

Most of my life surrounds what's going on in my head...so if i had my cranium suspended and alive in a jar, I wouldn't have to shave, because there would be nothing to shave, and i couldn't have sex, but I'm not having it NOW, so I'd be equally unsatisfied....basically seems to indicate I'd do just as well as a disembodied head, doesn't it? Of course, i wouldn't be able to type this...


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